Awesome Sandra completes a mammoth triathlon!
Posted on 14th Oct 2019
Congratulations to our class instructor and personal trainer Sandra who completed an Ironman event earlier this month - a 2.4 mile sea swim, 112 mile cycle, and a 26.2 mile marathon!!!
Sandra has been part of our West Hants team for 21 years, and prior to that had worked for 10 years at other clubs in the area. Triathlons are a recent addition to her impressive list of achievements and, alongside physical endurance, it is a testament to her mental strength and willpower. We are so impressed and proud of you Sandra! Here's what she had to say about her latest Triathlon:
"I have been known to say 'never again' but I seem to get drawn back to challenging myself. It's definitely not just a 'fitness thing', it's to do with mental strength and willpower to keep going. This year I hadn't been able to do much extra training, above my usual levels. A couple of sea swims and a few bike rides and runs beforehand. Admittedly, my time of 14 hours 22 minutes isn't really that impressive, and I'm sure if I put a bit more effort into some serious structured training, I could knock some time off. Those of you who know what my cycling is like (pretty poor), I always choose a course that has a fairly flat bike ride. If you know me, it's obvious looking at my "body type", triathlons aren't really the sport for me! However, I enjoy training in the great outdoors and the different challenges this brings, weather wise and terrain wise. I have said I won't do another long distance, and I'll focus on some sprint distances now, but who knows! I'm sure I'll be tempted sometime in the future with something long and gruelling!"