
Club Newsletter - December 2022

Posted on 08th Dec 2022


[Also sent to members by email]

There's a chill in the air but inside the Clubhouse it's warm and we're feeling festive! 


Indoor Court Update

The new clay court bubble has been well received but I am obviously aware of the pressure on indoor courts and the following changes will be introduced at the beginning of January:


  • No member will be allowed to play more than 7 hours per week.  Excluding Club arranged sessions but including arranged lessons.
  • There will be no non-member indoor coaching available for courts on an individual or group basis.
  • The Club will be open until 8pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • We will be opening Bournemouth Gardens earlier to allow our talented juniors the opportunity to practice without denying members valuable court time.


Corporate Governance

Following the recent board meeting in November I would like to update all members on the Club's Governance in relationship to our forthcoming ‘Charitable Status’.
West Hants Board ‘Trustee’ applications

I am pleased to report that we have received many more applications for the West Hants Board Trustee roles than expected which is very encouraging. 
At the November Board meeting it was agreed to establish an Independent Nominations & Selection Committee which will be Chaired by: Chris Brady (in a non-voting capacity) and supported with three Committee members who are: Karla Cooper, Peter Eales and Russell Slatford.

This group has relevant experience of charity recruitment, customer engagement experience and understanding the needs of a Charitable Board. The committee will consist of non-board members.

The committee will be responsible for identifying suitable candidates from the applications meeting an agenda of specific needs of relevant skill sets and ensuring a balance of Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender balance.  Suitable candidates that have been put forward by the independent committee will be shortlisted for an interview by the Board which will take place in early 2023.

The new Trustee Appointees will be formally appointed at the next Board meeting which is scheduled for March 2023.


We are delighted to inform you that The West Hants Club has passed the LTA Safeguarding Audit which took place on 15th November 2022, meeting all the standards with no outstanding actions. Thank you to those who completed the recent survey from the LTA. If you would like any information regarding Safeguarding please get in touch with our Safeguarding/Welfare Officer, Sarah-Jane who will be happy to help.  If you wish to confidentially report a Safeguarding Concern you can do so in several ways:


Guest passes

We are pleased to announce that our popular complimentary festive guest passes return this year, ready for members to share with their loved ones during the Christmas period.  They will be valid from 19th December to 3rd January inclusive.  Each member is entitled to 4 passes, with each pass valid for up to two guests.  To collect your passes, simply stop at Reception and the team will be happy to help you.


Thank you

2022 has been our first year without any pandemic interruptions for which we are grateful, and it has been wonderful to see Club life enjoying a sense of normality.  Following our recent notice about the increase in fees from 1st January, we want to thank you for your support and understanding about this.  It is important to us that we continue to deliver the first class experience our members expect and we must also look after our hardworking staff.  May we take this opportunity to remind members that we are a non-profit making organisation, so everything is re-invested into the Club.  

If anyone has any questions relating to anything covered in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.  In the meantime, please continue to check our websitesocial channels, and club noticeboards for all news & events!

To end, on behalf of myself and our teams, we wish all members and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2023.

Best wishes, 

Peter D Elviss
Chief Executive

PS. At time of writing, there is still availability on our New Year's Eve 'Great Gatsby' themed party so speak to our Bar Team today to reserve your space!




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