
Club Newsletter - August 2023

Posted on 10th Aug 2023


[Also sent to members by email]


May we start by thanking members for your patience and understanding during the recent national tennis tournaments, it is appreciated by myself and our teams.  We were delighted to welcome BBC South Today who were keen to feature the Junior Nationals tournament which took place immediately after Wimbledon.  The 100th Bournemouth Open's centenary event concluded last Saturday and along with congratulating the winners we also thank all players, organisers, and supporters!


Charity Status update

I am pleased to confirm and announce to our members that The West Hants Club has been granted charitable status and is now registered as a Charity.

This is excellent news for all members as charitable status enables the club to receive the following benefits: -


  • There are financial benefits which will allow the club to have a secure future.
  • There will be strict governance which ensures the clubs vision and values are protected. New Trustees have already been appointed who bring relevant and additional skills to the Board.
  • The Club will be eligible for grants which will enable us to improve facilities and expand the promotion of sport and wellbeing.

Overall, all members will see no difference to the day-to-day operation of the Club or its facilities.  We will keep you regularly updated as matters progress.


Fitness Classes for juniors
Members aged 16 and 17 are welcome to attend our Fitness classes however they must now be accompanied by a parent who is a Full, Fitness, or Off-Peak member.  


Our timetables are reviewed termly, and revised on bank holidays, so please check our in-club noticeboards and websites for any updates.


Car Parking
May we politely remind members to show consideration when parking.  Please park within the marked bays and note the dedicated Parent & Child and Disabled spaces are for those attending the club with young children and blue badge holders respectively.  For members with a large car, remember we have bigger spaces in our on-site overflow car park which is a minute's walk (at the furthest point) from the main car park.  


Staff Training and Winter Hours

Please note the following:


  • The Club will be closed on Sunday 3rd September from 2.30pm for Staff Training.
  • Please be reminded that from September to March (inclusive), on weekends and bank holidays, we extend our closing time from 7pm to 8pm!  Last court bookings are at 6.30pm.

If anyone has any questions relating to anything covered in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. In the meantime, please continue to check our website, social channels, and in-club noticeboards for all news & events!


Best wishes,

Peter D Elviss
Chief Executive




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